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Hurtigruten ‘ready’ for next stage of zero-emission ship project

Hurtigruten 'ready' for next stage of zero-emission ship project

Hurtigruten Norway has submitted a funding application for the next phase in its Sea Zero project.

The company is working with research institute SINTEF and a number of other partners, as it attempts to develop zero-emission ships for its Coastal Express route by 2030.

According to Hurtigruten, as it stands only 0.1 per cent of all vessels in use globally have zero-emissions technology.

Hurtigruten Norway CEO Hedda Felin said: “The cost of going first is always higher than copying others a few years later.

“However, our environment is running out of time, and Hurtigruten Norway and our partners want to do our part and lead the way to zero emissions.”

Hurtigruten aiming high

Felin added: “The progress towards sustainability in the cruise industry has been too slow, simply put. Consumers will not continue to accept the use of heavy fuel oil or climate targets that are way behind the Paris Accord. Zero-emission ships are the game-changer the cruise industry needs.

“We have included a team of companies that can make the historic Hurtigruten ships emission-free and help make Norway a leader in green shipping.

“Now we hope to secure support for a major research and development project to create the technology and ship design that is needed.”

SINTEF Ocean marketing manager Trond Johnsen said: “Many people talk about which fuel and propulsion systems you choose, but for us it is equally important to create a ship that uses as little energy as possible and thus has a good range on green electricity.

“We will therefore have a strong focus on testing a wide range of new technology from rotor sails and air bubble lubrication to heating pumps and storage for the passenger hotel.”

In late September, Hurtigruten Norway launched its first fully upgraded battery-hybrid powered ship, Richard With.

The ship – the first of seven in the Coastal Express fleet to be upgraded – has been retrofitted with battery packages and new engines and propulsion systems.

Photo: Fabrice Milochau

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