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Coronavirus: One million jobs lost a day in travel and tourism sector

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One million jobs are being lost every day in the travel and tourism sector due to the sweeping effect of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).

According to the organisation, the growing job losses are affecting every level of the industry and are gathering pace as countries go into lockdown to tackle the virus.

WTTC says the vast closure of hotels, suspension of the majority of international and domestic airline flights, cessation of cruise lines and growing global travel bans are having a “catastrophic domino effect” hitting suppliers worldwide.

Small and medium-sized businesses at every level, such as tour operators, travel agents and sole-traders, are especially vulnerable.

The organisation, which is already in talks with over 75 governments around the world, has called for countries to urgently do more to intervene to make clearer how businesses can access potentially life-saving loans and tax breaks to prevent them from imminent collapse.

WTTC president and CEO, Gloria Guevara, said:  “While the priority for governments is to keep people safe, this global health catastrophe means a million people a day in the travel and tourism industry alone are losing their jobs and facing potential ruin due to the disastrous impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

“It is heartbreaking that the livelihoods of millions of people who have dedicated their lives to the travel and tourism sector are being decimated; from waiters to taxi drivers, guides to chefs and caterers, pilots to cleaners.

“The relentless cascade of job losses is plunging millions of families into terrible hardship and debt, fearful of how to buy food and pay their bills. The domino effect of covid-19 is right now having a massive impact, wiping out an entire economic sector.

“Businesses large and small are being forced to rip up their three-year plans and focus on a three-month fight for survival on a daily basis, while people’s jobs are wiped out hour by hour. We fear this situation will only deteriorate unless more action is taken immediately by governments to address it.

“While some governments have been quick to respond with promises of help, the majority of businesses still have no idea how to access these potentially life-saving loans and tax breaks.

“Today we call on governments around the world to make crystal clear how businesses can access funds, which can prevent the hemorrhage of jobs throughout the travel & tourism sector.”

Analysis by the organisation found that up to 50 million jobs throughout the world are at immediate risk, with up to 320 million jobs facing the impact of the dramatic loss of business.

According to WTTC’s latest research travel and tourism contributes to 10.4 per cent of global GDP, is directly responsible for generating one in 10 of the world’s jobs and, for eight successive years, has outpaced the growth of the global economy.

Earlier this week, WTTC announced a three-point plan for governments to take to combat the devastating effect of covid-19.

1. Protect the salaries, incomes and jobs of the millions of people who are at risk.

2. Extend vital, unlimited interest-free loans to provide liquidity to large and small travel and tourism businesses to prevent them from collapse.

3. Waive or remove all dues, taxes or fiscal charges for 12 months that affect cash flow which can be critical to businesses survival.

Our view:

The cruise industry is facing an unprecedented and ever-changing situation, and we are committed to keeping you informed with the most up-to-date news. However, we firmly believe that the cruise industry will bounce back. When it does, we’ll be on hand to help you get back to selling the cruises that people love.   

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