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CLIA survey reveals robust consumer interest in cruising

CLIA UK & Ireland director Andy Harmer

The leading cruise industry body’s latest consumer survey reveals that the interest in cruising remains strong in spite of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

The twice-yearly research survey by CLIA to understand consumer sentiment towards cruise was conducted earlier than usual in order to provide “a view of sentiment during the Covid-19 crisis”.

The research compared consumer opinions in autumn 2019 with those held in spring 2020. The survey asked 500 UK respondents, all of whom have taken an international holiday in the last two years, how likely they would be to take a cruise in the next few years.

Results show that 75 per cent of respondents who have cruised before said they are ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’ to cruise again in the next few years, compared to 79 per cent in autumn 2019.

For those in the UK who have not yet gone on a cruise, 66 per cent said they were ‘very likely’ or ‘likely’, compared to 71 per cent last autumn.

According to CLIA, these findings show “a remarkably small divergence in responses between these times and suggest a very modest shift in sentiment, which could largely be due to cruise guests understanding the industry’s commitment to their health and safety”.

Commenting on the survey, CLIA UK and Ireland director Andy Harmer said: “We have seen that small and modest shift in sentiment and we understand that.

“I think that some of that comes from the fact that the cruise industry is always being seen to do the right thing. We have always been very transparent about what we do. We were one of the first global industries to take a voluntary shut down, for example.”

He added: “I think that trust is important, and being seen to do the right thing is important. And it shows there is still strong consumer interest in taking a cruise holiday when the time is right.”

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