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Accord Marketing: How to make the most of Google’s new ranking system

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Mark Lewsey, head of marketing at Accord Marketing, outlines how to make the most of a new update from Google.

It is an exciting time in the sector. Domestic cruises have started, places are opening and Google’s algorithm is introducing a new ranking factor. Say hello to the Core Web Vitals, an important update for anyone with a website who wants to get ahead against the competition.

Core Web Vitals is an initiative to help website owners provide a better user experience. It encourages brands to take bigger strides, as the rewards of a better experience on site will be seen on search engine results themselves.

In the long term, this could contribute to keywords ranking higher, websites being more visible and audiences becoming more loyal.

So how does it work? Well, there are separate measurement metrics that together create a page experience score. These cover three key areas: loading time, interactivity and visual stability.

In other words, how long it takes for your website to load, how quickly it takes for a person to make an action on site, and how smooth your content loads and stays on the page. A website needs to score ‘good’ for each of these metrics to pass the Core Web Vitals assessment.

Google’s roll-out will start slowly to test the waters, meaning now really is a good time to reflect on how a website performs for user experience.

If you have any questions, then feel free to get in touch with us here at Accord and we’ll share with you our digital experience and expertise, and explain you how the website scores for Core Web Vitals.

Optimising these metrics now will mean that when the booking floodgates open and demand is high, your website might just be seen first.

Go to for more information and tips.

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