arrow_outward Cruise Review
CMV’s Columbus: A new-found appreciation
Josh Stephenson joins CMV and six famous cricketers on a mini-voyage of discovery to three...
arrow_outward Interviews
CMV: ‘2018 has been a very successful year’
Cruise and Maritime Voyages' head of marketing, Mike Hall, sits down with Josh Stephenson to discuss sales...
arrow_outward Ocean Cruise News
Question time with Angela Rippon
Angela Rippon CBE became godmother to Cruise & Maritime Voyages (CMV), latest addition to the...
arrow_outward Ocean Cruise News
CMV’s Columbus sets sail
Cruise and Maritime Voyages welcomed their new flagship Columbus into their fleet last Thursday, at...
arrow_outward Ocean Cruise News
Angela Rippon to name CMV’s Columbus
Angela Rippon CBE is to be godmother to the cruise ship Columbus, the latest addition to the Cruise...
arrow_outward Ocean Cruise News
CMV’s Columbus off on a World Cruise
Cruise & Maritime Voyages (CMV) will make a 121 night World Cruise in January 2018...