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Advantage announces the theme of its 2016 conference

The Advantage Travel Partnership has announced the theme of its 2016 conference which takes place between from April 16 and 20 on board the MSC Fantasia.

The conference programme will place importance on having a clear business vision in what is becoming a fast changing world and the theme Blink has been chosen to capture the essence of this environment.

Things can change in the blink of an eye. Blink too slowly and you miss the action, blink too fast and your vision is not clear. Taking a moment to understand what is happening around you and to re-set your vision is important in an age when things are moving fast.

Commenting on the sentiments behind the theme, Colin O’Neill, Advantage business development director said: “The key purpose of our conference this year is to recognise the challenges that all businesses face now and in the future and to address those challenges head on.”

“Having access to effective technology is becoming an increasingly important requirement for any business which is why we are taking the opportunity of launching our new technology platform Gateway 2, at the conference.

Having an effective vision is also about keeping your eye on the changing needs of your customers and other conference sessions will concentrate on the changing trends in customer behaviour, the importance of strong business partner relationships and creating the right brand profile for your business.

Finally, our proven business session formula will also include four hours of speed dating meetings, breakouts specific to leisure and business travel members and, of course, inspirational keynote speakers, the first of which we plan to announce very shortly….so watch this space.”

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